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10 tips to help me to manage my finance
Pretty much everybody across the world will at some point in their lives have to deal with the personal finance management, starting from the billionaires all the way down to the paupers of the street.
8 Tips on traveling overseas using credit card
Have you ever experienced enjoying a wonderful trip abroad only to be surprised by the credit card billing statement after coming home? Or are you the type who choose to ignore the details of the billing statement?
Retirement Planning in the Philippines
When is the right time to plan for retirement?
How do you calculate your retirement fund?
How do you calculate your savings fund to cover the retirement?
How do you execute your retirement plan?
Basics of Investing in Philippines Stock Market
What is a stock?
How does the stock market work?
What makes stock prices rise or fall?
Is there a way to know when the stock price will rise or fall?
Mutual Funds
What is a mutual fund?
What are the type of mutual funds and which one is suitable for you?
How do you earn money by investing in mutual funds?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds?
Dr. Shaq
When Shaq was drafter by the NBA and officially became a proffesional basket ball player, he was so soaked with his first million that he spent it in (guess how long) 30 mins.
FINANCE defined by the Public
We've roamed the streets of MAKATI to know how well hte public know how well the public know about their FINANCIAL Terms and the result where surprising.