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10 tips to help me to manage my finance

Pretty much everybody across the world will at some point in their lives have to deal with the personal finance management, starting from the billionaires all the way down to the paupers of the street. While the billionaires can hire professionals to do it, the representatives of the lower classes have to rely on their instincts to ensure the optimization of their financial resources. It is not always an easy task. Here are 10 tips to help the lower and middle class representatives to keep their finances safe.

Knowledge is power

A very basic mistake that people make is to not factor in the extra percentage payments on their credit card debts or other expenses. Know exactly what you need to pay in the upcoming month and exactly how much. This way you can plan ahead and ensure that no money is wasted paying extra interest to banks.

Constant costs  

Do not calculate your monthly outflows on a monthly basis. Instead, you just need to know the costs that appear every month. These usually include food, housing and transportation. Minimizing them can open up huge financial resource in your pocket. You just need to adjust the numbers for each month afterwards.

Internet options

 It is important to realize that there are millions of people across the world, who have got roughly the same concerns as you. For this reason, there are plenty of free websites that will help you monitor your inflows and outflows. is a perfect example. Use them and situation is sure to improve.

Time is money

This simple saying is true for every single human being. Do not waste your time. Either do something productive or something that will help you be more productive in the future. In terms of wealth conservation, it is crucial that you recognize the importance of interest rates over time on every bit of your belongings.

Think bigger

It is common to think only about the coming month, when considering the incomes or the costs. You need to think bigger. If you manage to stabilize the incomes and the costs over longer periods, it is only going to be beneficial for your personal wealth. A year would be a good start.

Be honest

When deciding upon whether you can afford a desired product, be honest with yourself. Think about whether you really need the product, and what will be the ultimate cost if you take out a loan for it.

Do not buy if you can borrow

A very simple rule, but certainly a very helpful one. Quite often, people buy products that they use only once, such as books or DVDs. There are services that allow you to borrow them for a single use. It will cost much less.

Credit score

Make sure that you have as high a credit score as you can. Credit cards are usually the cheapest way to collect them. High credit score means that your interest rates will be lower if you ever need to take out credit from the bank, which will ultimately save you money.

Make savings

It may look better for you to take out the credit for a product at the moment, but saving money will usually earn you interest and allow you to purchase an improved version of the product once you actually have the money. Unless the product is of crucial importance, do not take out a loan for it.

Make investments

 Last but not least, make investments. If you have some extra money left, after all of your outflows, invest it in whatever you feel can make you money. Even if you lose money for a few months, consistent investing will help you get the idea of it and you will eventually make profit.


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