Rich vs poor
Let us see one by one what are the differences regarding treatment of Rich criminals and Poor Criminals in the Philippines starting with the first step:
Process of bieng Arrested :
Rich: With escorts to avoid escape
Poor: how they “escort” alleged criminals to avoid escape
Prison Cells:
Rich: Checking if the area will be fit for the detainee
Poor: Shove them in where there’s still space to breath
Medical attention:
When the rich get sick: Primary check up with the military medics, and when results are in, will be provided by a resident doctor from St. Luke or Makati Med.
When the poor get sick: Take that coke bottle and make it into a breathing apparatus, ok na yan!
Reasons for incarceration:
Rich Criminal Example # 1 Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
1. NBN ZTE Scandal
2. Millions of bribe money to Congressmen and Governors (October 2007)
3. Cheating in 2004 Elections (Hello Garci)
4. Joc Joc Bolante Case (Fertilizer Scam, P728 Million)
5. Jose Pidal Bank Account (Unexplained Wealth, P200 Million)
6. Nani Perez Power Plant Deal ($2 Million)
7. Use of Road User's Tax for Campaigning
8. Billion Peso Macapagal Boulevard (Overprice of P532 Million)
9. Juetengate? (Illegal Numbers game kickbacks)
10. Extra Judicial Killings
11. Arroyo Moneys in Germany (Exposed by Senator Cayetano)
12. General Garcia and Other Military Men
13. Billion Peso Poll Automation contract to(Mega Pacific) (P1.3 Billion)
14. Northrail Project($503 Million)
15. Maguindanao Results of 2007 Elections (Zubiri, Bedol)
16. NAIA-3
17. Venable Contract (Norberto Gonzales)
18. Swine Scam (Exposed by? Atty. Harry Roque
19. GLORIA Arroyo son hidden assets in united states
22.the C-5 road controversy — Senator Manuel Villar
23.P550-million worth of funds from the Overseas Workers’ Welfare
Administration (OWWA).
24 P780-million LWUA funds-Prospero Pichay
25 Bishop's SUV-Gloria Birthday gift
26 Arroyo linked in P325M lotto intelligence fund
27 Arroyo got P200M in kickbacks from govt projects-Zaldy Ampatuan
28.P200.41 billion or $4.6 billion in Malampaya royalties from 2002 to
May this year.
30. 600, 000 metric tons of Rotten rice imported from India.
Poor Criminal Example #1 Jesus Alegre
1. Imprisoned for their political beliefs or actions
How Corruption affects the Philippines
Corruption slows down economy, and if it is casually practiced it becomes a habit , and sometimes it becomes rampant and very ordinary. In the Philippines , corruption is already a way of life, since they depend themselves too much to migrants , and illigal chinese businessmen. The Phillipines is helpless when it comes to diciplining these people, specially in bribing public officials by manipulating their payment of taxes. Not only these but in stablishing new business.
If this continues, we well lose the influx of foriegn inverstors in the country, so is true with the political turmoil in Thailand that pushed the investors away (see article). If we want to continue growing as a country, we should stop corruption by simply practicing it ourselves. Self discipline is always very useful in getting things done. Do you agree?
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